Latasha Slavin

As a Senior Consultant at GHV, Latasha works with the PAC WH (FP, MNCNH, WHI) + PHC team at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Within her portfolio, Latasha provides cross-cutting support to the Deputy Director. She brings technical expertise in global, regional and country RMNCH+N, policy analysis, strategic planning, grant analysis, portfolio review, advocacy, and performance monitoring, as well as an in-depth understanding of global socio-economic and political contexts, development economics, health financing, advocacy, and communication.

Latasha has more than 25 years of deep expertise in global health and development with a focus on HIV/AIDS and RMNCH+N and has worked with governments, community-based organizations, multilateral agencies, private sector, philanthropies, and research institutions. She has extensive experience in program design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, project management, policy analysis and development, multi-sector stakeholder engagement and management, donor relations, and country-level experience across the African region. Latasha is also an expert in health systems, health financing, issue salience, and using data for impact.

Previously, Latasha served as the Principal Investigator and Deputy Director for a large PEPFAR-funded HIV Treatment, Care, and Support program in South Africa. In this role, she advised the South African government in the accelerated expansion of differentiated models of HIV care, whilst ensuring access and services for people living with HIV.

Latasha holds BA, MPH. She has worked in the USA, South Africa, Nigeria, Lesotho, and Uganda.  She currently residing in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Outside of work, Latasha enjoys spending time with her 3 gorgeous and busy teenagers and can be found watching them playing a variety of sports or performing on the stage.

Areas of Expertise:


• Policy analysis and development

• Stakeholder engagement and management

• Data-driven/evidence-based programming

• Development of strategic frameworks, results frameworks

• Program management

Meet the GHV team

Our consulting roster consists of a core team plus a vast network of over 100 expert consultants, spanning the globe, with a range of skill sets and issue area expertise. 

Meet the GHV team

Our consulting roster consists of a core team plus a vast network of over 100 expert consultants, spanning the globe, with a range of skill sets and issue area expertise.