Case Study

International Confederation of Midwives (ICM)

Organizational Support for ICM Strategic Planning, Operational Planning, and Reporting

In the fall of 2020, ICM requested GHV support to collaboratively develop a robust three-year strategic plan for 2021-2023. Early in 2021, GHV was brought back to help ICM develop a three-year operational plan for the strategy and an accompanying first year operational plan for 2021, as well as producing its 2021 and 2022 annual progress reports.

GHV’s support for the development of ICM’s robust three-year strategic plan for 2021-2023 built upon inputs gathered from ICM leadership and staff, the Board, the Council, ICM members, and a host of partners. It was a priority for ICM and GHV to ensure that the strategy reflected the needs of its member associations and their midwives. Throughout the process, GHV collected and analyzed relevant data, facilitated a series of strategic planning and validation meetings, and worked in close partnership with ICM to ensure that the final strategy was both attainable and ambitious.

With the completion of the three-year strategic plan in late 2020, ICM requested support to operationalize the strategic objectives with a concrete pathway and process for implementation. GHV supported ICM to develop a 3-year strategic operating plan and annual operating plan for 2021, directly tied to the strategy.  These operating plans contained clear priorities for the time periods, as well as responsibility, review and reporting requirements and built-in opportunities to adjust and course correct in real time.

GHV was then approached to support ICM to draft their 2021 annual report during the first year of implementing its new triennial strategy, which emphasized strengthening ICM to bolster the global midwifery profession.  GHV also worked alongside ICM to develop their 2022 annual report  in two different versions – (1) an annual report to meet the needs of donors and Dutch legal requirements and (2) a more communications-focused, storytelling narrative to celebrate ICM’s 100th year and inaugurate the next centennial. Throughout these processes, GHV was able to build on its deep understanding of the triennial strategy to ensure that the annual plans clearly linked to the organization’s strategic priorities.