Case Study


AVAC Strategic Plan 2022-2026

GHV supported AVAC in developing a Strategic Plan (2022-2026) to refine the organization’s vision and to ensure AVAC is positioned to maximize its impact on the issues it cares most about during the current strategic period, and beyond.

GHV carried out a landscape analysis, including extensive desk research and a series of in-depth interviews of global, regional, and national stakeholders to identify how AVAC’s work fits within the current HIV and global health landscapes and to shape recommendations on opportunities for the organization to fill existing gaps and amplify its impact. GHV also planned and facilitated a series of virtual strategic planning sessions with the Board of Directors, key leadership, and staff to build consensus and support for the organization’s expansion internally and to foster buy-in to the new Strategic Plan. Further, GHV partnered closely with AVAC on an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) audit and redoubling its efforts and commitments to EDI as well as examining and refining its partnership engagement model.